2024 Term 3: Religious Education | Siena College
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Harmony Dialogues for Interfaith Conversation

Siena has traditionally participated in a long running program called Building Bridges in Schools, which brought together secondary students in Years 10 and 11 from Jewish, Muslim and Christian schools for conversation, fostering understanding between different traditions. This program has built relationships among thousands of young people. However, the program was cancelled this year in Melbourne due to tensions over the current conflict in Israel and Palestine.

Interfaith conversation is needed now more than ever.

With courage and determination, the schools from the Central region of Building Bridges are launching their own initiative this year, named Harmony Dialogues. At Siena, we believe that the best antidotes to violence, racism, and fear of difference are open conversations and education. Through this program, we aim to deepen our understanding of diverse faith traditions and recognise the fundamental similarities that unite us.

2023 Creative Day

In addition to five evening sessions across this term, the Creative Day is an absolute highlight and will feature a visit to the Islamic Museum, Coburg Islamic Centre and Preston Mosque, where we will witness and participate in a beautiful prayer service. We will enjoy engaging conversations and a delicious falafel lunch, as an afternoon of activities fosters new friendships and highlights the commonalities that bind us together. A genuine Community of Inquiry guided by skilled facilitators, will help us explore profound questions about faith and tradition in a respectful and open atmosphere.

2022 Building Bridges at Siena College

The five evening sessions will run at various participating schools. Each session will feature a meal, and include both large and small group discussions. When we host the other schools at Siena College, we will invite students to visit our Chapel and learn about what makes us distinctly Dominican within the Catholic Tradition. Our students greatly value these dialogues as they not only form friendships with students from other schools, but also gain a deeper appreciation for the role of religious faith in society. This experience can strengthen their own faith and highlight the benefits of a cohesive, multicultural community.

As global conflicts between different religious groups intensify, our aim is to foster understanding and bridge differences through dialogue, knowledge and empathy. Building a foundation of goodwill and mutual respect among people of faith is crucial for fostering pluralism in our diverse society, and this is achieved through purposeful interfaith dialogue.

Reflecting on their experience, a past student of Building Bridges and later a facilitator shared, “The program offered me the chance to connect with people beyond my usual circles, listen to diverse worldviews, and appreciate the importance of humanising one another.”

Christine Miller

Head of Religious Education
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